Q & A with Healthy Home Expert, Caroline Blazovsky

Where are you located?

The name of my business is My Healthy Home® located in Whitehouse Station, NJ. We have been in business for 23 years. I am a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and the founder and CEO of the company.


Tell us about your background and how you got into the role of a Healthy Home Expert.

I originally became interested in how our environments affected our health when I personally developed allergies with no known cause. It started me down a path of looking at homes as the culprits for health conditions. I first began testing homes for mold in 1999 – no one ever investigated homes back then. I started to see the correlations between how people lived and their health and wellness. It was then that I coined the phrase and company My Healthy Home and began a crusade to diagnose and teach people how improving our environments could improve our health. In 2005, I was working with a company called Environmental Monitoring Systems. We partnered to create a professional mold and allergen test kit for homeowners called the Examinair®. They branded me as the first Healthy Home Expert and my journey of testing homes all across the country began. Over the years, I pursued extensive education in anything pertaining to environments and health. My educational degrees range from Environmental and HVAC training to sustainable Design and Public Health.


How/where do you find new ideas for ways to make homes a healthier place?

Homes are like Pandora’s box. They are filled with a plethora of problems and each has a completely different story to tell. When I investigate causes of poor health in occupants, lots of ideas get generated to help solve problems and often become ideas for products and services to create healthier homes. We keep learning more about homes as we investigate them and ways to make occupants and homes healthier.


What are the most common indoor air pollutants, and how can homeowners reduce their presence in the home?

There are so many indoor air pollutants in homes nowadays. Chemicals, mold and allergens top the list. Houses are expected to perform and do a lot for humans. We bring many water sources into a home, from bathrooms, kitchens, HVAC, and laundry rooms, that at any given time, these can go awry, causing moisture damage. On top of that, the severity of weather patterns and climate changes are forcing homes to face extreme amounts of water from rain and snow. Tighter, more energy-efficient buildings have also caused moisture to collect in homes, contributing to higher humidity and the potential for molds to grow. I gravitate towards recommending products that help us to combat moisture, like AIRMADA’s AirJet Shower Drying System for a shower to help keep moisture levels low and dry out a shower to deter mold growth.


Tell us why you choose AIRMADA Drying Solutions in your projects.

AIRMADA is the perfect solution for our clients. We need to provide ways to prevent mold growth in bathrooms and showers. More and more clients have mold sensitivities and cannot detox the effects of mold exposure. Molds are amazing biological creatures. They are part of a natural environment. They have the ability to break down and digest items on the planet, like leaves and wood. However, when they are in our homes, they produce a lot of issues. Showers, tubs and bathrooms in general create the perfect environment with standing water and damp surfaces to allow mold to proliferate and grow. Until AIRMADA, we did not have a solution to help dry out these spaces after showering and bathing so walls and surfaces would stay wet. Molds only need 24-48 hours to start their growth process with the right conditions. AIRMADA helps change conditions in a bathroom to keep molds from forming and making occupants sick.


What issues are you seeing in homes, where you choose to use AIRMADA?

Bathrooms are a constant source of mold, even with installed ventilation fans. Walls still remain wet and damp for hours after showering. Additionally, tile and older bathroom designs allowed moisture and water vapor to permeate and form under and behind showers and tubs. It is next to impossible to keep showers and tubs dry especially when they see multiple showers daily from various occupants. Homes typically have 1-2 full bathrooms that see a lot of use preventing them from thoroughly drying out. AIRMADA gives me the option to speed up the drying time and prevent moisture from accumulating for long periods of time with their nozzles designed to blow air across surfaces for drying.


What changes/results did you see in the areas where you installed AIRMADA for your clients?

The best results of AIRMADA’s AirJet Shower Drying System are that it keeps the bathroom dry and prevents mold growth. My clients comment that they have to do less heavy-duty cleaning in the shower. AIRMADA creates a healthier and also low maintenance alternative for showers. I particularly love this for aging in place. It requires seniors to do less cleaning, reduces slip and fall risks, and prevents mold growth since our immune systems become less effective as we age. Any time we can help homeowners be healthy and clean and become more efficient, it’s a win!


For more information about Caroline Blazovsky visit, here:

Facebook: Caroline Blazovsky, Healthy Home Expert, My Healthy Home

Instagram: @healthyhomeexpert @myhealthyhome

Twitter: @healthyhomeexp @myhealthyhome

Linkedin: Caroline Blazovsky, My Healthy Home

www.healthyhomeexpert.com | www.myhealthyhome.info | examinair.net

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